River basin, hydro-unit, water resources, drainage, channel, opening and closing of gates, water distributionAbstract
The article presents proposals for correcting water consumption and their effective use in the use of hydroelectric units on small mountain rivers. The researches were carried out on the example of the Govasay hydroelectric dam on the Govasay river located in the northern part of the Fergana valley. The scheme of opening and closing the gates of the Ghovasoy hydroelectric system was developed taking into account the structural features of the hydroelectric system, the consumption of discharged water and the changes that occur in it. Adjustment of the wetted level of water in the upper section of the hydrogel is carried out during the periods of washing of turbid sediments, passing of effluents and distribution of fixed water consumption. It is necessary to achieve that the water level in the upper basin is at MDS=925.70 m when the water consumption in the river is Q=330 m3/s.
In the 2020-2030 development concept of the water industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the president has defined the task of "ensuring the safe and reliable operation of water and flood reservoirs and other water bodies". Implementation of these tasks, including the scientific-based optimal methods of management of water and flood reservoirs, taking into account the change in water capacity during the period of use, the effect of the change in the hydrological regime of the rivers on the water supply facilities under the influence of the adjusted flow , carrying out many scientific researches aimed at improving the scientific and practical theoretical foundations and methods of calculating these is one of the important tasks nowadays.